Monday, August 12, 2019

Unity Container: Register and Resolve

In the previous section, we installed Unity framework in our console project. Here, we will learn how to register type-mapping and resolve it using the unity container.
As we learned in the IoC container chapter, every container must provide a way to register and resolve dependencies. Unity container provides the RegisterType() and Resolve() methods for this.
We are going to use the following sample classes to demo the registration and resolution of dependencies throughout this chapter.
public interface ICar
    int Run();

public class BMW : ICar
    private int _miles = 0;

    public int Run()
        return ++_miles;

public class Ford : ICar
    private int _miles = 0;

    public int Run()
        return ++_miles;

public class Audi : ICar
    private int _miles = 0;

    public int Run()
        return ++_miles;

public class Driver
    private ICar _car = null;

    public Driver(ICar car)
        _car = car;

    public void RunCar()
        Console.WriteLine("Running {0} - {1} mile ", _car.GetType().Name, _car.Run());
As you can see in the sample classes, the Driver class depends on the ICar interface. So, when we instantiate the Driver class object, then we will have to pass an instance of a class which implements the ICar interface, such as the BMWAudi or Ford class as shown below.
Driver driver = new Driver(new BMW());

Running BMW - 1 mile
In the above example, we created and passed an object of BMW while creating an object of the Driver class. Thus, we injected the dependency of the Driver class manually. Now, we will use Unity container to understand different ways to register and resolve dependencies.

Using UnityContainer

In order to use Unity container, we first need to create an object of it. You can use any class which implements the IUnityContainer interface. Unity container includes the UnityContainer class in the Microsoft.Practices.Unity namespace that implements the IUnityContainer interface. If you need to extend the container, then you can create your own custom class and implement the IUnityContainer interface as per your need.
Example: Instantiate UnityContainer
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;

IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
var container = new UnityContainer();
Next, we need to register type-mapping.


Before Unity resolves the dependencies, we need to register the type-mapping with the container, so that it can create the correct object for the given type. Use the RegisterType() method to register a type mapping. Basically, it configures which class to instantiate for which interface or base class. For example, if we want Unity container to create and supply an object of the BMW class whenever it needs to supply a dependency of the ICar interface, then we first need to register it as shown below.
Example: Register Type with Unity
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();

container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>();
Here, container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>() requests Unity to create an object of the BMW class and inject it through a constructor whenever you need to inject an object of ICar.
The RegisterType method includes many overloads. Learn about all the overloads of RegisterType on MSDN.
So now, after registration, we can use the Resolve() method.


Unity creates an object of the specified class and automatically injects the dependencies using the resolve() method. We have registered BMW with ICar above. Now, we can instantiate the Driver class using Unity container without using the new keyword as shown below.
Example: Resolve
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>();// Map ICar with BMW 

//Resolves dependencies and returns the Driver object 
Driver drv = container.Resolve<Driver>(); 
Running BMW - 1 mile
In the above example, Unity container creates an object of the Driver class using the container.Resolve<driver>() method. The Driver class is a dependency of ICar. So, container.Resolve<Driver>() returns an object of the Driver class by automatically creating and injecting a BMW object in it. All this is behind the scene. The BMW object is created and injected because we register the BMW type with ICar.
Unity container will create a new object and inject it every time we resolve the same type.
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>();

Driver driver1 = container.Resolve<Driver>();

Driver driver2 = container.Resolve<Driver>();
Running BMW - 1 mile 
Running BMW - 1 mile

In the above example, container injects the BMW object whenever it resolves the Driver class, e.g. driver1 and driver2 both have references to separate BMW objects.
Thus, you can create an object of the specified type using Unity container. Learn about all the overloads of the Resolve method on MSDN.

Multiple Registration

Unity container will inject the last registered type if you register multiple mappings of the same type.
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>();
container.RegisterType<ICar, Audi>();

Driver driver = container.Resolve<Driver>();
Running Audi - 1 Mile
In the above example, ICar is mapped to both BMW and Audi. However, Unity will inject Audievery time because it has been registered last.

Register Named Type

You can register a type-mapping with a name which you can use with the Resolve() method.
Example: Register Named Type
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>();
container.RegisterType<ICar, Audi>("LuxuryCar");

ICar bmw = container.Resolve<ICar>();  // returns the BMW object
ICar audi = container.Resolve<ICar>("LuxuryCar"); // returns the Audi object
As you can see above, we have mapped ICar with both the BMW and the Audi class. However, we have given the name "LuxuryCar" to the ICar-Audi mapping. So now, the Resolve() method will return an object of Audi if we specify the mapping name.
Consider the following example:
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ICar, BMW>();
container.RegisterType<ICar, Audi>("LuxuryCar");

// Registers Driver type            
                new InjectionConstructor(container.Resolve<ICar>("LuxuryCar")));

Driver driver1 = container.Resolve<Driver>();// injects BMW

Driver driver2 = container.Resolve<Driver>("LuxuryCarDriver");// injects Audi
Running BMW - 1 Mile 
Running Audi - 1 Mile

In the above example, we registered the Driver class with the name "LuxuryCarDriver" and specified an object of InjectionConstructor. The new InjectionConstructor(container.Resolve<ICar>("LuxuryCar")) specifies a construction injection for the Driver class, which passes an object of Audi because container.Resolve("LuxuryCar") returns an Audi object. So now, we can use container.Resolve<Driver>("LuxuryCarDriver") to resolve the Driver with Audi even if ICar is registered with BMW by default.

Register Instance

Unity container allows us to register an existing instance using the RegisterInstance() method. It will not create a new instance for the registered type and we will use the same instance every time.
var container = new UnityContainer();
ICar audi = new Audi();

Driver driver1 = container.Resolve<Driver>();

Driver driver2 = container.Resolve<Driver>();
Running Audi - 1 Mile 
Running Audi - 2 Mile 
Running Audi - 3 Mile

Thus, we can register and resolve different types using Unity container. Learn how Unity container performs constructor injection in the next chapter.

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